Well Worn explores ideas related to mapping and domestic cloth – quilts, curtains and rags – suggesting intimate and ordinary activity, as well as quiet, personal experience. Marks made with thread evidence the passage of time and the human hand. Fragments of handwritten text, contributed by students, function as decorative pattern and acknowledge the many unique experiences that contribute to this community. Small bits of cloth from West Africa add unexpected color as well as reference a place that is home for many Metropolitan State University students.
This piece takes into consideration the particular physical environment in which the artwork is viewed, the nature of the community at Metro State, as well as my own artistic interests and values. My hope is that this work will be both unexpected and already understood – that people from many different backgrounds will find it beautiful and engaging.
14’ × 4’, handmade, indigo dyed flax paper, discarded cloth collected from seamstresses in Kumasi, Ghana, and mixed media. Commissioned for Metropolitan State University by Minnesota State Arts Board: Percent for Art in Public Places.
Preliminary sketch for Well Worn, Metropolitan State